Monday, December 8, 2008

So instead of saying weirdo, I think friends a better name!

We all remember the tacky lessons of good ol' Veggie Tales... I was just thinking about this song and I really like it. We are all different and its good to be friends with everybody no matter who their friends are or whether you have the same interests or backgrounds...i really like the idea of "any day in any weather"--- like no matter what, I will be there for you friend. Love is about giving with nothing expected in return and giving always, when it's the hardest and when it hurts. I want to be a friend on "any day in any weather"

I can be your friend
I can be your friend
Any day in any weather
We can be friends and play together
Ya were all pretty different some are skinny some are stout
But the inside is the part were supposed to care about
Aye! thats why we have feelings that are very much the same
So instead of saying wierdo i think friends a better name
I can be your friend (la la la)I can be your friend (la la la)
If your hair is red or yellow
We can have lunch i'll share my jello
I can be your friend (la la la)I can be your friend (la la la)
It's okay if we are different,we can still play and i can be your friend!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Boy oh boy, it's that time of the year.

Right now there are so many emotions, worries (aka EXAMs), activities- a million things going on all the time. I am now officially done with classes for the semester, I have 4 more exams & then 1 exam to try to test out of a class. I should in fact be studying this very moment but will probably just go to bed after this.
Tonight was Mock Rock, which was amazing and I love so much! The winning act from last year started off the evening and was a great surprise! "When You Were Young" - love it love it. Let's see, some guys that I didn't expect to participate were in the first act which was very entertaining. My favorite to watch though was a kid doing "bye, bye, bye" ... oh my goodness!!! He was soo good and HILARIOUS, like I was extremely impressed but laughing so hard the whole time at how intense he was at this dance, up there all alone, it took guts! Anybody from home who can come next year should come up, I love this event so much!
Courtney went to the ER tonight, I think she will be ok but that was a little scary. She has been sick on and off all semester and her fever and such got to that point of needing to see what was going on. She got back quickly though so she'll be alright :)
Tonight I was/am feeling quite overwhelmed ect but the end is in sight and I will be free for so long over Christmas, it will be amazing.
I want to learn to count my blessings, even the simple ones. I am thankful for the ability to learn and the funds to be here. I will not write all that I have to be thankful for but this is what I need to remember when feeling down.
ok headin out. I gotta make fun of Peter and Jenn ;)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the Oasis

This snow is here! I couldn't be more excited about it. Sunday night me and Seth built a giant snowman and played in the snow for an hour or two, that was super duper fun. That time included the snowman, playing with cattails, summersalting & rolling down a hill, tackling Bethany in the snow, and sliding like a penguin over big snowballs. I should have been inside studying, but I hadn't been out to my favorite area on campus in a while so about an hour ago I went out behind VO's parking lot to just be at rest and take in nature's beauty. God is so creative and so good! The picture on the left makes me smile cuz you can see the clocktower, that is my way of proving I was still at CU, or maybe I just like to cheesily represent CU...

This is my fav picture!!! :)
I love this little drainage "stream", somethin bout water does me good.