Wednesday, November 19, 2008

If you were a junky?

I'm purdy sure that if I could choose anything to be completely obsessed with, it would be kayaking! It is just beautiful and can be as relaxing or as thrill-seeking as you desire!!! You are out in nature, on the water, it's kinda like backpacking without carrying everything or working nearly as hard at it hahaha. I am looking at some incredibly intense videos, I'll post them but man, what a rush, I seek those adrenaline rushes so much sometimes!!! There is so much corrupted, unhealthy entertainment in this world, being in nature is the best entertainment, art... and purest ways for me to enjoy life.

1 comment:

Firefly said...

KAYAKING!!! YEAH!!! we should totally have weekly parties dedicated soley to this sport of incredible amazingness